Interim executive management
Canton of Freiburg

Why use interim executive management in the Canton of Freiburg?

This Canton connects French-speaking and German-speaking Switzerland and is officially bilingual. Many international companies have established here their decision-making, R&D or production centres. The machine tools and microtechnology sector has a high presence, with some flagship products boasting international renown, as well as the agri-food sector. The sectors related to infrastructure, construction and energy are also highly represented and boosted by the new initiatives at Blue Factory. 

Why use interim executive management in the Canton of Freiburg?

Procadres International carries out 10% of its assignments in the Canton of Freiburg, particularly within multinational corporations. The support of Procadres International managers, often from other Cantons, from Vaud to Zurich, is always very much appreciated.

Accustomed to managing complex projects involving major challenges, our interim executive managers have 15 to 25 years of proven experience in leading positions, having acquired unique human and managerial skills and qualities. They will be able to meet your challenges without delay.

Our interim executive managers are also able to guide you if you relocate your company to the Canton of Fribourg.

Do you need to address a situation urgently? Contact us and benefit from the sectoral expertise, the unparalleled skills of our interim executive managers based in the Canton of Freiburg.

Our cantons of intervention in Switzerland

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